Clever Dripper
Clever Dripper
There are numerous drippers and kettles choices for Pour-Over coffee and it is hard for us as coffee enthusiasts to resist the desire of trying all of them out. We just love to mess around with coffee gears, don't we? But there are times that we only want to make coffee as easy as possible. This is the time you would love to have a Clever Dripper at hand. Because that's exactly what it does, brew great coffee in a consistent and convenient manner.
Although it is quite enjoyable testing out different Pour-Over techniques and gears, consistent results are not easy to achieved since there are so many variables need to be taken care of. Messing up one element could result in a bad cup. By using Clever Dripper, you immediately avoid all the problems caused by pouring. Worry no more about blooming time, water pouring speed, water pouring amount, water pouring position, water pouring angle, hand pour stability, turbulence and agitation amount, pour stage strategy, channeling, etc. You only need to focus on brewing time, water temperature, coffee grind amount, coffee grind size and water amount. It is so much easier to adjust the setting and get desired results.
The steep-and-release methodology that Clever Dripper adopts is basically immersion and drip combined. It is very easy to extract well. All you need to do is pour the water and set the timer. Do other things in between. Come back and release the coffee. Super simple and foolproof!